Find a wealth of resources and guidance in various industries to help you achieve your goals.

Oil and Gas Industry: If you’re drawn to the dynamic world of the oil and gas industry, Texas Trade Schools can provide you with the essential knowledge and connections. Whether you aspire to become a Chemical Plant Operator, a Field Service Technician, a General Laborer, an Instrumentation Tech, a Machinist, a Oil Field Worker, or even a Petroleum Engineer in the Lone Star State, we’ve got you covered. Explore our resources and learn how to step into the exciting world of oil and gas.

Healthcare: If the healthcare sector is your calling, you’re in the right place. Texas Trade Schools offers valuable insights into careers like Acupuncturist and Pharmacy Technician. Discover how to pursue these rewarding paths and make a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of Texans.

Education and Training: For those interested in education and training, we provide information on becoming a School Bus Driver, or a dog trainer in Texas. Education is the foundation of progress, and we’re here to guide you toward a fulfilling career in these fields.

Law Enforcement and Public Safety: If you have a passion for maintaining law and order, explore opportunities in Law Enforcement and Public Safety. Texas Trade Schools can steer you toward becoming a Police Officer or a Firefighter in the great state of Texas. Learn about the steps to serve and protect your community.