How To Become A Gunsmith In Texas

gunsmith in texas

How To Become A Gunsmith In Texas

Gunsmithing is the science and art of designing, constructing, altering, or repairing firearms. The occupation of gunsmithing has existed for centuries and will likely continue to exist as long as people use firearms. 

As a gunsmith, you will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of firearms. You will also be responsible for the construction of custom firearms. 

To become a gunsmith in Texas, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Next, you must complete an apprenticeship program or attend a trade school. Finally, you must obtain a Gunsmith License from the Texas Department of Public Safety. 

Continue reading to learn more about how to become a certified gunsmith in Texas. 

What Is A Gunsmith (Job Description) 

Gunsmith designs, build, modifies, or repairs guns. In some cases, a gunsmith may also be responsible for selling guns and ammunition. 

Typical WorkDay As A Gunsmith 

A typical workday for a gunsmith may involve working on several different projects at once. For example, a gunsmith may work on repairing a hunting rifle, building a custom handgun, and engraving pistols in one day. 

Annual Salary Of A Gunsmith In Texas 

The annual salary for a gunsmith in Texas ranges from $30,000 to $50,000 per year. The hourly wage for a gunsmith in Texas ranges from $15 to $25 per hour. 

Education and Training Needed To Become A Gunsmith In Texas 

To become a gunsmith in Texas, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent. You will also need to complete an apprenticeship program or attend a trade school. Finally, you must obtain a Gunsmith License from the Texas Department of Public Safety. 

Certifications Needed To Be A Gunsmith In Texas 

To be certified as a gunsmith in Texas, you must complete an accredited training program and pass an American Gunsmiths Association (AGA) examination. 

Skills Needed To Be A Gunsmith 

Some of the skills that are needed to be successful as a gunsmith include: mechanical aptitude, problem-solving skills, attention to detail, customer service skills, and interpersonal skills. 

Where Do Gunsmiths Work? 

Gunsmiths can work in many places, such as pawn shops, sporting goods stores, firearm manufacturers, and even their own homes. 

Where To Search For GunSmith Jobs 

There are many places where you can search for jobs as a gunsmith, including online job boards (, classified ads ( Craigslist), and word-of-mouth referrals. You can also find job openings by contacting local pawn shops, sporting goods stores, and firearm manufacturers directly. 

Is A Job As A GunSmith The Right Job For You? 

If you are interested in working with your hands and have good problem-solving skills, then becoming a gunsmith may be the right career choice! 

Another trait important for a gunsmith’s success is attention to detail since most projects require precision to be completed correctly. Finally, it is also important to have good customer service skills since you will be working with customers regularly. If this sounds like you, becoming a gunsmith might be the perfect fit!                                    


In conclusion, if you want to become employed as a full-time professional certified gunsmith in the state of Texas, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent, complete an accredited training program, and pass an examination given by American GunSmith Association. 

Many great benefits are associated with being a self-employed gunsmith, such as setting your hours, working from home, and having the ability to travel. One downfall may be having difficulty finding employment during an economic recession.