Hi, I’m Nick Bryant, a case manager from Houston and creator of this website, Texas Trade Schools, as well as other resource websites like Houston Case Managers, Houston Case Managers Academy, and the book Understanding Healthcare is Half the Battle

Nick Bryant with Texas Trade Schools.
That’s me, Nick Bryant. I’ve connected thousands of clients to government assistance programs, however, I encourage every client I speak with to make as much money as they can. Money will provide you with options in life.

I have over 13+ years of experience in community resources, but I’m not here to talk to you about government assistance programs. Instead, I want to introduce you to something that can make a real difference – Texas Trade Schools.

Now, don’t get me wrong, government assistance programs are important, but they alone will not lead you to a great life. Anyone who wants to break free of poverty has to invest in education and training.

That’s why I’ve launched Texas Trade Schools. It’s a website that provides you with clear, straightforward information on how to become just about any profession you can think of. How to get started, and where to find schools and training programs to help you achieve your dreams. 

Whether you’re looking for a fresh start, considering a career change, or simply want to break free from financial struggles, Texas Trade Schools is here to support you.

Have questions about finding employment, training programs, or anything else? I’m here to help.

At Texas Trade Schools, my mission is to help you turn your dreams into reality and to hopefully never have to rely on government assistance again…

Unless it’s government assistance like Medicare because that actually is great healthcare coverage! 

Editor’s Note: If you do need help with Medicare, let me know because I can help you to understand coverage, find Medicare plans, etc. I’m a Medicare insurance agent.  Just visit Houston Medicare Help for more information. 

Let’s take the first step together toward your path to success!
